Monday, August 11, 2008

Wife Trains Husband in Female Dominance

The next morning, as well as most of our spare time the next few days, was spent on what Tori described as my "domestic training." I was expected to perform every iota of house and yard work as well as a multitude of personal services for her. Amongst the items she expected me to become prtoficient in were bathing her, shaving her legs, dressing and un-dressing her, styling her hair and make-up, cooking and serving all her meals, performing manicures and pedicures, providing rub downs and massages,etc,etc. She told me more jobs would be added after I learned these. In addition she showed me plans for remodling jobs around the house I was to do, specifically the bedroom, the den and the basement. Let's just say it appeared alot of bondage and video gear was to be involved.

She provided a list of rules for me noting more would be forthcoming. Most were basic Female Domination rules, such as how I should never touch her, nor my own cock or balls, except with her permission. Orgasms for me were out of the question unless she deemed I'd earned one. "Control the male orgasm and you control the male," was her motto. My wife also made it a rule that I was to remain undressed at home, spending my time in the nude, a leather thong or a loin cloth, depending on her mood. I thought to protest this but the mention of a maid's uniform as an alternative quickly shut my mouth.

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