Saturday, November 15, 2008

Learning Her Letters - part 1

Beth clicked on a folder labeled "FD" to reveal it's contents, several more folders, each labeled with a short, nonsensical word. Or at least to Jenny the labels made no sense. However, it was apparent from Beth's chuckling that she'd found something other than video games and tax records.
"It appears your hubby is not as vanilla as he's led you to believe when it comes to his porn. In fact, I'd say he's quite the little perv." To support her statement Beth read off a list of the folders: BDSM, CFNM, DS, T&D, CBT and others. Jenny continued to look at her like she was speaking some foreign language. Her older sister sighed and continued.
"Ok, let's start with FD since it's the most important. I'm guessing it stands for 'Female Domination' or 'FemDom' for short. It's when the female is superior in sexual relationship. In other words, she's the boss in bed. The male does as he is told."
"But that's nothing like Dennis, he's always in charge. He decides when we make love," Jenny protested.
"Maybe so, but that's probably because he's afraid to let you see this side of him. It's potentially embarrassing as hell for him, as you'll understand soon. For now I'll just explain what the abbreviations stand for. I don't think you can absorb more than that all at once, ok, sis?"
Jenny nodded her consent and Beth continued. "BDSM is actually three things. B&D means bondage and discipline. In simplest terms, imagine tying up Dennis and spanking him." Beth paused a moment to snicker and even though shocked, Jenny couldn't help but grin at the mental picture. "S&M you've heard of in movies, it stands for sadism and masochism. Again, in simplest terms, a sadist gets off on inflicting pain, a masochist gets off on receiving pain. Also note the DS in the middle. That stands for dominance and submission. One person dominating another sexually."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I forsee a change in the life of yet another submissive male who's tried to pass himself off as a real man! Can't wait to read more of this.